Security Solutions Blog

Crime Prevention with Surveillance Systems

Crime Prevention with Surveillance Systems

Studies have been done worldwide on the effectiveness of security/ surveillance systems in preventing crime. Rutgers University reports that neighborhoods that densely use burglar alarms were statistically safer than neighborhoods that didn’t utilize these systems. In...

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Everything You Need to Know About Cellular Security Cameras

Everything You Need to Know About Cellular Security Cameras

Wi-Fi is an amazing modern convenience. It allows us to access unlimited information at the click of a button from just about anywhere, as long as you’re in range of a router of course. While it definitely makes life easier than being tethered to one location, it can...

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Five Video Surveillance Security Tips For Businesses

Five Video Surveillance Security Tips For Businesses

When running a business, you’ve got a lot on your plate. The last thing you want to worry about is crime. Unfortunately crimes happen at an alarming rate when it comes to businesses. However, security cameras can provide evidence as to who perpetrated a crime but also...

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Top Video Surveillance Security Tips For Businesses

Top Video Surveillance Security Tips For Businesses

Video surveillance is a necessity for any form of business. It both deters crimes and helps identify any perpetrator of criminal activity. Here are Five Tips on the fundamentals of video surveillance for any business.     1. Strategically Placed Cameras...

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Why You Should Upgrade Your Security Systems

Why You Should Upgrade Your Security Systems

Are you considering a security system upgrade? Maybe you have had an incident occur and didn’t catch it through your outdated system. It’s good practice for any business to analyze their current security setup and weigh that against needs and potential threats.  Yes,...

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What You Need to Know About the Price of Security Systems

What You Need to Know About the Price of Security Systems

When shopping for a security system, the number one question people ask is, “how much will this cost?” The short answer is: Security System Prices depend on several factors. Let’s look at some of these factors and get into the right mindset for making this important...

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